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My name is Gary Adams and I was assigned to D Company 538th Eng. Bn. from July 1968 until June 1969. Our mission was the construction of

Camp Samae San, Thailand.

I was assigned to the 2nd Platoon upon arriving. My job included building trusses for the new billets, installing door frames, windows, etc. In November 1968 I was chosen to be the Commanders driver and moved to HQ Platoon.

Upon his PCS, I requested and was assigned to the EM (earth moving) Platoon where I drove a 10 ton tractor and trailer rig hauling heavy equipment until my departure. I also got to operate the D7 & D8 dozers, 290 Scraper and other equipment.

I PCS'ed back to the states on orders to Germany but got them changed and returned to Thailand assigned to the 809th Eng. Bn. in Ku Su Mon (see my 809th Home Pagee).

I remained with D Company 809th for 4 months and worked as a road grader operator.We were building a highway from Sakon Nakhon to Nakhon Phanom (NKP). I then requested and was reassigned back to D Company 538th Eng. Bn. at Camp Samae San where again I drove a 10 ton and operated other equipment.

When the battalion started it's deactivation around February 1970, I moved to the 260th Transportation Company at Camp Samae San then PCS'ed back to Ft. Knox, KY in July 1970.

I returned to Camp Samae San in March 1972 on orders to the 313th Trans. Co. but soon learned it had been deactivated and in turn was assigned to the 9th AG Army Postal Detachment. I worked there until about January 1973. I requested and was finally reassigned again to the 260th Trans. Co., 3rd Platoon.

The following is some of my adventure as a 17 year kid off to see the world. If it interests you, and you can relate to it, let me know and there will be more. If not, send me your story and I'll post it up here.

Chapter One

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Updated: 8 March 2001